When was Donate Law Reports Founded?

Donate Law Reports was founded in January 2020 to help to distribute and redistribute Law Reports.

What Law Report Donations do you accept?

We are seeking used, unwanted, old, second-hand law reports which you no longer require. We are happy to repair and recycle your unwanted law reports. We accept all Law Reports, however, the below list of law reports are our most highly requested law reports:

All England Law Reports
Fleet Street Reports
English Reports
Criminal Law Review
Common Law Library
Law Reports Reprints
Halsbury’s Statutes of England
Weekly Law Reports
Halsbury’s Laws of England
Lloyds Law Reports
Encyclopedia of Forms and Precedents

If you have other law reports please fill in the make a donation form and we will get back to you

How can I make a donation

To make a donation please fill in the make a donation page and we shall get back to you to arrange a collection.

Where do you donate Law Reports to

We will try to locate a firm using our list of trusted partners that we can pass those on to. Our partners are in Africa, Nigeria, India, and Pakistan.

We offer a fast and free collection service. Once the Make a Donation form has been filled in one of our colleagues shall be in touch. We will arrange a suitable time for collection which is convenient for you. Once the books have been received they are then checked against the list of our current requests. If we find that we already have a firm that we can pass the books to they can be dispatched the next day.

Make a Donation to Donate Law Reports